When: Wednesday 19th February 1900 - 2000 UK TIME
Where: Online
You will be sent the recording if you can't make it live.

"Judgement kills brave spaces. It completely changes our willingness to show up, dig into hard work, and lean into tough conversations."

Brené Brown

Who is this workshop for?

 ✔️ Those of you who struggle to say no or to be vulnerable.

✔️ Those of you who feel like an imposter - in order to be taken seriously you feel you have to know it all and be perfect.

✔️ Those of you who lack confidence (you might look confident on the outside but inside you are struggling.) 

 ✔️ Those of you who worry about what others think of you.

✔️ Those of you who are not sure how to ask for your needs to be met at work / with a partner / with friends / with family.

✔️ Those of you who seem to get wrapped up in the same patterns - feeling guilty if you don't please others, avoiding confrontation at all costs or anxiously trying to fix things!

In this workshop you will:


1. Explore the first step to creating any change: awareness.

Did you know that any time you get triggered it's a sign that there's something that you have not looked at or healed?  What are you missing in your level of awareness?  Learn how the brain works in order to bring the subconscious into the conscious mind.  We will explore the concept of the negative bias, how the amygdala works, and our fundamental needs that can work either for us or against us.

2. Discover why you struggle with finding your own voice.

 Through a journaling practice we will look at past hurts that are subconsciously informing present decisions and causing a sense of feeling stuck.


3. Learn the antidote to self-judgement.

Discover the one thing that can help us reclaim our voices in order to live more passionate and extraordinary lives.


"Keep doing what you're doing. You're cultivating a community of amazing like minded women and your warmth and leadership Sophie just makes everyone so comfortable at being vulnerable and leaning into the process."


-Anne, The Self-Worth School Student

Reclaim your voice!

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